Some Champion

Herod L1 or A

Tableaux:SC 1 Pure Élites Undefeated

Sybol * asterisk = Close or Pure .

St Simon* br H 1881 11c

Galopin L1

Vedette L4 Voltigeur L1 Voltaire L1
Martha Lynn
Mrs Ridgway Birdcatcher L4
Nan Darrell
Flying Duchess* The Flying Dutchman* L1 Bay Middleton L1
Merope Voltaire L1
Juniper mare
St Angela*

King Tom L1

Harkaway* L3 Economist L3
Fanny Dawson
Pocahontas* Glencoe* L1
Adeline* Ion L1 Cain* L2
Little Fairy Hornsea L1

On The Gohanna & Beningbrough St Simon inbred 1x2x2x3x3x4x4x4x4x4
on the Nick A1 by, St Angela* Flying Duchess*,Adeline*, The Flying Dutchman*,Pocahontas*, Voltaire* x2, Nan Darrell*, Bay Middleton*,Glencoe*
Sire L1 L4 Dam L1 L1 = L1 L1 Nick A1. GP AAA . . .Gohanna & Beningbrough . . . St Simon*

Tableaux:SC 2 . Close

Isinglass* b H 1890 3m

Isonomy* L1

Sterling* L1 Oxford* L1 Birdcatcher L4
Honey Dear*
Whisper Flatcatcher L1
Isola Bella Stockwell L1 The Baron L3
Isoline Ethelbert L9
Dead Lock*

Wenlock L1

Lord Clifden L2 Newminster L1
The slave
Mineral Rataplan L1
Malpractice* Chevalier Dindustrie* L1 Orlando L1
The Dutchmans Daughter The Flying Dutchman* L1

Chef de Race, Triple Crown winner, One of the greatest racehorses. on the Rataplan & Stockwell = Gohanna
Sire L1 L1 Dam L1 L1 = A1 GP .AAA. . as St Simon; ...Isinglass

Tableaux:SC 3 . Close

Rock Sand* br H 1900 4n

Sainfoin L1

Springfield L9 St Albans L6 Stockwell L1
Viridis Marsyas L9
Maid of Palmyra
Sanda* Wenlock L1 Lord Clifden L2
Sandal Stockwell L1
Lady Evelyn

St Simon* L1

Galopin L1 Vedette L4
Flying Duchess*
St Angela* King Tom L1
St Marguerite* Hermit* L1 Newminster L1
Devotion Stockwell L1

Chef de Race.Triple Crown winner. Sire L1 l9 Dam L1 L1 = A1. GP AAA . . . on the Gohanna
Rock Sand

Tableaux:SC 4 Pure Élites

Man o War* ch H 1917 4c

Fair Play* L1

Hastings* L1 Spendthrift L1 Australian L2
Aerolite* A1
Cinderella A3 Tomahawk* L1
Manna C4
Fairy Gold A8 Bend Or L1 Doncaster L3
Clemence A9
Dame Masham H1 Galliard H1
Pauline* A1
Mahubah* A1

Rock Sand* L1

Sainfoin L1 Springfield L9
Sanda* A1
Roquebrune* A1 St Simon* L1
St Marguerite* A1
Merry Token A3 Merry Hampton* L1 Hampton L7
Doll Tearsheet A4
Mizpah* C3 Macgregor L3
Underhand Mare C2

Chef de Race. Horse phenomenal . . . Like St Simon on the Gohanna & Beningbrough
Sire L1 L1 Dam L1 L1 = A1 .GP AAA. . .see St Simon & Isinglass & Rock Sand Man o War

Tableaux:SC 5. First Derby Winner Pure. The Guide.

Guido Reni* b H 1908 20a

Melanion* L1

Hermit* L1 Newminster L1 Touchstone L3
Seclusion* Tadmor* L1
Miss Sellon
Atalanta Galopin L1 Vedette L4
Flying Duchess
Feronia Thormanby L2
Jenny Hampton*

Royal Hampton L1

Hampton L7 Lord Clifden L2
Lady Langden
Princess King Tom L1
Mrs Lincoln
Domiduca* Isonomy* L1 Sterling L1
Isola Bella
Jenny Spinner Kaiser* L1
Jenny Diver

First Derby Italiano For Federico Tesio, This pedigree represents Federico Tesio's art of manipulating crosses to obtain the best results from genetics.
Clone of St Simon Pure.Guido Reni the painter’s nickname "the Guide"
Sire L1 L1 Dam L1 L1 = L1 L1 Nick A1 . GP AAA .... Like St Simon & Man o War, on the Gohanna & Beningbrough

Tableaux:SC 5B. Derby Stakes Winner Pure.

Windsor Lad b H 1931 19b

Blandford* L1

Swynford* L1 John o Gaunt* L1 Isinglass* L1
La Fleche A8
Canterbury Pilgrim* A1 Tristan* L1
Pilgrimage A8
Blanche* A1 White Eagle* L1 Gallinule* L1
Merry Gal* A1
Black Cherry Bendigo L1
Black Duchess H1

By George L1

Lally H1 Amphion* A1
Miss Hoyden H2
Queens Holiday* A1 Royal Hampton L1
Cimiez* A1
Sunbridge* A1 Bridge of Earn* L1 Cyllene L1
Santa Brigida A4
Sunshot A8 Carbine A3
Stream of Gold H1

Clone of St Simon Pure. Derby S 13/10 was unbeaten as a fouryear old . merry gal is a daughter of Galopin .on the Gohanna & Beningbrough
23 years later, F Tesio's formula still works.the law of similar but not equal. Sire L1 L1 Dam L1 L1 = A1 .GP AAA. Four A Like Guido Reni & St Simon !
Windsor Lad

Tableaux:SC 6 .Undefeated, Pure.Greek navigator. Élites

Nearco* b H 1935 4r

Pharos* L1

Phalaris L1 Polymelus L7 Cyllene L1
Maid Marian
Bromus* Sainfoin L1
Scapa Flow* Chaucer* L1 St Simon* L1
Canterbury Pilgrim*
Anchora Love Wisely* L1

Havresac II* L1

Rabelais* L1 St Simon* L1
Hors concours* Ajax* L1
Catnip Spearmint L8 Carbine L1
Maid of The Mint*
Sibola The Sailor Prince* L1

Grand Prix de Paris. Sire L1 L1 Dam L1 L8 = L1 L1. N A1. GP AAH. on the Gohanna & Whiskey Clone of Herod.

Tableaux: SC 7 Close

Sea Bird* ch H, 1962 2n

Dan Cupid* L1

Native Dancer L1 Polynesian L9 Unbreakable* L1
Black Polly I7
Geisha* A1 Discovery L1
Miyako* A1
Vixenette* A1 Sickle* L1 Phalaris L1
Selene A2
Lady Reynard* A1 Gallant Fox L1
Nerva* A1
Sicalade* A1

Sicambre* L1

Prince Bio L1 Prince Rose L3
Biologie A3
Sif A2 Rialto* L1
Suavita B1
Marmelade* A1 Maurepas L1 Aethelstan L7
Broceliande* A1
Couleur* A1 Biribi* L1
Colour Bar* A1

phenomenon. Sire L1 L1 Dam L1 L1 = A1 . GP AAA . See St Simon & Others ... on the Isinglass = Gohanna
Sea Bird

Tableaux:SC 8 Close

Brigadier Gerard* b H 1968 14c

Queens Hussar L1

March Past L8 Petition L1 Fair Trial L3
Art Paper A3
Marcelette H3 William of Valence L8
Permavon C8
Jojo A3 Vilmorin L1 Gold Bridge* L3
Queen of the Meadows A2
Fairy Jane* C3 Fair Trial L3
Light Tackle C1
La Paiva* A1

Prince Chevalier L1

Prince Rose L3 Rose Prince L9
Indolence C1
Chevalerie A7 Abbots Speed* L1
Kassala* G7
Brazen Molly* A1 Horu L1 Papyrus L8
Lady Peregrine H1
Molly Adare A6 Phalaris L1
Molly Desmond F1

Amazing . See others Sire L1 L8 Dam L1 L1 = A1 .GP AAA . . . on the Gohanna & Gohanna
Brigadier Gerard

Tableaux:SC 9 Close Undefeated,Élites

Frankel* b H 2008 1k

Galileo L1

Sadlers Wells L4 Northern Dancer* L1 Nearctic* L1
Natalma A3
Fairy Bridge D8 Bold Reason L4
Special H1
Urban Sea* A1 Miswaki L1 Mr Prospector L8
Hopespringseternal A8
Allegretta A7 Lombard* L1
Anatevka G1
Kind A9

Danehill* L1

Danzig* L1 Northern Dancer* L1
Pas de Nom* A1
Razyana* A1 His Majesty L1
Spring Adieu* A1
Rainbow Lake I8 Rainbow Quest L9 Blushing Groom* L1
I Will Follow I1
Rockfest H3 Stage Door Johnny L8
Rock Garden C2

Sire L1 L4 Dam L1 L9 = A1 .GP AAI . . . on the Beningbrough & Beningbrough

Tableaux:SC 10 Pure Undefeated, Élites

Flightline* b H 2018 20b

Tapit L1

Pulpit* L8 AP Indy L8 Seattle Slew* L1
Weekend Surprise H1
Preach H1 Mr Prospector L8
Narrate A8
Tap Your Heels A8 Unbridled L1 Fappiano L1
Gana Facil A8
Ruby Slippers* H8 Nijinsky L8
Moon Glitter H1
Feathered* A1

Indian Charlie* L1

In Excess* L1 Siberian Express L1
Kantado* A1
Soviet Sojourn A8 Leo Castelli* L1
Political Parfait H1
Receipt A8 Dynaformer L1 Roberto L8
Andover Way* A1
Finders Fee* H8 Storm Cat L8
Fantastic Find H1

The Best Horse Sire L1 L8 Dam L1 L1 = A1 .GP AAA ...on the Beningbrough & Gohanna . See the other

Eclipse L3 or C

Tableaux:SC 11 Extra Pure Élites

Prestige* b H 1903 4d

Le Pompon L3

Fripon L1 Consul L3 Monarque L2
Lady Lift
Folle Avoine Favonius* L1
La Foudre Scottish Chief L3 Lord of the Isles L9
Miss Ann
La Noue Le Petit Caporal L1

Reverend L3

Energy* L1 Sterling* L1
Cherry Duchess
Reveuse Perplexe* L3
Oroya* Bend Or L1 Doncaster L3
Freia Hermit* L1

Undefeated 16/16 .Good Stallion . Sterling* A1 ,Energy* A1 Hermit* A1 Oroya* A1 Favonius* A1. Perplexe* C3 Prestige* C3 .Reverie*B2 .on the Regulus & Cade
inbred 1x2x3 nick C1 & A3, Le Pompon & Reverend + Bend Or A3. Prestige* & Reverie* Extra Pure. Sire L3 L3 Dam L3 L1 = C3 .GP CCA . . . Prestige*

Tableaux:SC 12 Close Undefeated Élites

Ribot* Bay H 1952 4l

Tenerani L3

Bellini L2 Cavaliere d Arpino* L1 Havresac II* L1
Chuette* A1
Bella Minna B1 Bachelors Double L2
Santa Minna* A1
Tofanella C7 Apelle L3 Sardanapale L7
Angelina C1
Try Try Again* G7 Cylgad L7
Perseverance G1
Romanella C8

El Greco L3

Pharos* L1 Phalaris L1
Scapa Flow* A1
Gay Gamp C1 Gay Crusader L3
Parasol* A1
Barbara Burrini H2 Papyrus L8 Tracery* L1
Miss Matty H1
Bucolic B7 Buchan L2
Volcanic G3

the horse of the century, Undefeated 16/16 Sire L3 L2 Dam L3 L8 = Nick C3 .GP CCH . .. on the St Frusquin.

Pantaloon L8 or H

Tableaux:SC 13 Hétérosis

Ormonde b H 1883 16h

Bend or L1

Doncaster L3 Stockwell L1 The Baron L3
Marigold Teddington L3
Sister to Singapore
Clemence Newminster L1 Touchstone L3
Eulogy Euclid L9
Martha Lynn
Lily Agnes

Macaroni L8

Sweetmeat* L1 Gladiator L1
Jocose Pantaloon L8
Polly Agnes The Cure L2 Physician L5
Miss Agnes Birdcatcher L4

Ormonde unbeaten 16/16 Triple Crown winner. Sire L1 L3 Dam L8 L2 = H1, Nick like his broodmare sire. Nick H1. GP AHB . . .
on the Macaroni & Beningbrough . . .Ormonde

Tableaux:SC 14 Hétérosis Elite

Secretariat ch H 1970 2s

Bold Ruler* L1

Nasrullah* L1 Nearco* L1 Pharos* L1
Nogara A8
Mumtaz Begum A8 Blenheim* L1
Mumtaz Mahal H9
Miss Disco A7 Discovery L1 Display L8
Ariadne* A1
Outdone G1 Pompey L7
Sweep Out A8
Somethingroyal H1

Princequillo L8

Prince Rose L3 Rose Prince L9
Indolence C1
Cosquilla H1 Papyrus L8
Quick Thought A2
Imperatrice A1 Caruso L1 Polymelian L9
Sweet Music A1
Cinquepace A8 Brown Bud* L1
Assignation H2

Breathtaking Triple Crown winner Sire L1 L1 Dam L8 L1 = H1 .GP AHA . . . on the Macaroni & Gohanna

Tableaux:SC 15 Hétérosis Élites

Mr Prospector b H 1970 13c

Raise A native* L1

Native Dancer L1 Polynesian L9 Unbreakable* L1
black Polly I7
Geisha* A1 Discovery L1
Miyako* A1
Raise You A2 Case Ace L1 Teddy L8
Sweetheart A8
Lady Glory B8 American Flag L2
Beloved H1
Gold Digger H1

Nashua L8

Nasrullah* L1 Nearco* L1
Mumtaz Begum A8
Segula H7 Johnstown L8
Sekhmet G2
Sequence A8 Count Fleet L1 Reigh Count* L3
Quickly A7
Miss Dogwood* H8 Bull Dog* L8
Myrtlewood H2

Exceptional and very influential progenitor.See GP Secretariat. Sire L1 L1 Dam L8 L1 = H1 .GP AHA
Mr Prospector

Tableaux:SC 16 Pure Élites

Coup de Genie* br M 1991 2d

Mr Prospector L8

Raise A native* L1 Native Dancer L1 Polynesian L9
Geisha* A1
Raise You A2 Case Ace L1
Lady Glory B8
Gold Digger H1 Nashua L8 Nasrullah* L1
Segula H7
Sequence A8 Count Fleet L1
Miss Dogwood* H8
Coup de Folie H1

Halo L8

Hail to Reason L1 Turn To L8
Nothirdchance A8
Cosmah H3 Cosmic Bomb L8
Almahmoud C7
Raise The Standard* A1 Hoist the Flag L1 Tom Rolfe L2
Wavy Navy* A1
Natalma A3 Native Dancer L1
Almahmoud C7

Exceptional Mare Sibling to Machiavellian, Sire L8 L1 Dam L8 L1 = H8 . GP HHA .on the, Young Melbourne & Macaroni .
inbred 1x1x2x2x3 on the Nike H1, Mr Prospector H1, Gold Digger H1, Nashua H1,Coup de Folie H1, Halo H1.
Coup de Genie*

Tableaux:SC 17 Hétérosis Élites

Zenyatta br M 2004 4r

Street Cry L1

Machiavellian* L8 Mr Prospector L8 Raise A native* L1
Gold Digger H1
Coup de Folie H1 Halo L8
Raise The Standard* A1
Helen Street* A1 Troy* A1 Petingo L1
La Milo A3
Waterway A7 Riverman L1
Boulevard G1
Vertigineux* H8

Kris S* L8

Roberto L1 Hail to Reason L1
Bramalea H1
Sharp Queen* H8 Princequillo L8
Bridgework H3
For The Flag H1 Forli L8 Aristophanes L2
Trevisa* H8
In The Offing A8 Hoist the Flag L1
Mrs Peterkin H1

very high class dominant racing mare, Its lineage is A or 1. Its genetic proximity to "Coup de Genie " are" studying together
inbred 4x3x4x4 sur Nick H1 & 3x4 Sur GP HAA. Coup de Folie H1 & Mrs Peterkin H1. . & 4x4 Sur GP HAH. Gold Digger H1 & Bramalea H1,
Sire L1 L8 Dam L8 L8 = A8 .GP . AHH . . . Zenyatta

À bientôt je vous attends sur un autre site avec tous les gagnants Classique et leur Code génétique tout autour du monde depuis le début des Courses.

See you soon, I'm waiting for you on another site with all the Classic winners and their Genetic Code all around the world since the start of the Races.

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